In Oklahoma, most families and businesses are forced to choose from one of two
electricity vendors: OG&E or PSO. The importance of choice in the electricity market cannot be overstated, especially for manufacturers, who are among the largest consumers of electricity. The lack of choice in the Oklahoma electricity market can have a significant impact on businesses, and changing the monopoly system to a system with choices would offer many benefits.

The lack of choice in the electricity market can result in higher prices for businesses, especially manufacturers. Without competition, the utility provider has no incentive to offer competitive prices or improve their services. This can lead to higher electricity prices, which can significantly impact a manufacturer's bottom line. By introducing competition, businesses can negotiate with multiple providers and choose the provider that offers the most competitive rates, allowing them to reduce their energy costs and increase their profitability.
The lack of choice in the electricity market can limit a manufacturer's ability to customize their electricity contracts. Manufacturers have unique energy needs, and a one-size-fits-all contract may not meet their specific requirements. By having multiple options to choose from, manufacturers can select a provider that offers contracts that are tailored to their specific needs. This can help manufacturers optimize their electricity usage, reduce their energy costs, and improve their overall efficiency.
The lack of choice in the electricity market can limit a manufacturer's ability to choose renewable energy sources. Many businesses, including manufacturers, are looking to reduce their carbon footprint and move towards more sustainable energy sources. However, without competition, the utility provider may not offer renewable energy options or may charge a premium for them. By having a choice of providers, manufacturers can select a provider that offers renewable energy options at competitive prices.
The lack of choice in the electricity market can result in higher prices, limited customization, and limited access to renewable energy sources. Changing the monopoly system to a system with choices would offer many benefits to businesses, including competitive pricing, tailored contracts, and access to renewable energy. As the demand for electricity continues to grow, it is crucial that businesses have the freedom to choose their electricity provider to meet their specific needs and budget.